Friday, July 11, 2008

Solitare can be dangerous!

16-June was a bad day for solitaire, at least it was for Paul Rice! His wife Gwen decided ho hammer-murder him as he sat at his computer playing solitaire. At 78 years, one would think an old guy playing a game of solitaire was pretty safe from such violence. After the hammer beating Mrs Rice resorted to hitting him with a garden cultivator(One of those hoe-like tools with 3 sharp tines). In spite of the blunt trauma to his head, and penetrating injuries to his body the poor guy lasted long enough to flee the home, and died of a heart attack on the way to get help from the neighbor. Gwen tried to kill herself with pills, and cutting her arms, unfortunately for Mr Rice... she waited until he was dead to make the attempt.

Her excuse? Her meds made her do it! She was depressed that the couple was living with their son, his wife, and child. (more here too)

In Nashville , Tn Kelley Cannon has been charged with strangling her estranged husband, James Cannon, do death, and stuffed his corpse into a closet. The couple had a previous history of domestic disputes. Mr. Cannon had temporary custody of the children, who are now living with James' sister. The children had been removed by Kelley the evening Mr. Cannon died, and were found in her custody the when James' body was found. She claims the door was ajar, and the children sleeping with no Mr. Cannon around, she just woke them up, took them, and left! Now that is really a believable story! Another case of a mother murdering the custodial father in an attempt to "win" custody, it would appear. Sources here, and here. She admits to "talking" to him the night he was murdered... sounds like a one sided conversation, at best. Where is the national coverage, the newsroom outrage, and the endless chain of wannabe-experts beating on their chests, calling for more laws, and federal programs to prevent this violence?

Does this should like someone who would be willing to share joint custody to you?
“I stopped looking into whether or not he was having affairs because it wouldn’t matter to me anymore. I just didn’t care. I just wanted to be a mother and wife—that’s it.” Kelley Cannon in interview after being charged

Never underestimate the danger posed by a spurned woman!

Now, go have a great Friday night out. Meet some er, nice women!