Friday, July 11, 2008

Solitare can be dangerous!

16-June was a bad day for solitaire, at least it was for Paul Rice! His wife Gwen decided ho hammer-murder him as he sat at his computer playing solitaire. At 78 years, one would think an old guy playing a game of solitaire was pretty safe from such violence. After the hammer beating Mrs Rice resorted to hitting him with a garden cultivator(One of those hoe-like tools with 3 sharp tines). In spite of the blunt trauma to his head, and penetrating injuries to his body the poor guy lasted long enough to flee the home, and died of a heart attack on the way to get help from the neighbor. Gwen tried to kill herself with pills, and cutting her arms, unfortunately for Mr Rice... she waited until he was dead to make the attempt.

Her excuse? Her meds made her do it! She was depressed that the couple was living with their son, his wife, and child. (more here too)

In Nashville , Tn Kelley Cannon has been charged with strangling her estranged husband, James Cannon, do death, and stuffed his corpse into a closet. The couple had a previous history of domestic disputes. Mr. Cannon had temporary custody of the children, who are now living with James' sister. The children had been removed by Kelley the evening Mr. Cannon died, and were found in her custody the when James' body was found. She claims the door was ajar, and the children sleeping with no Mr. Cannon around, she just woke them up, took them, and left! Now that is really a believable story! Another case of a mother murdering the custodial father in an attempt to "win" custody, it would appear. Sources here, and here. She admits to "talking" to him the night he was murdered... sounds like a one sided conversation, at best. Where is the national coverage, the newsroom outrage, and the endless chain of wannabe-experts beating on their chests, calling for more laws, and federal programs to prevent this violence?

Does this should like someone who would be willing to share joint custody to you?
“I stopped looking into whether or not he was having affairs because it wouldn’t matter to me anymore. I just didn’t care. I just wanted to be a mother and wife—that’s it.” Kelley Cannon in interview after being charged

Never underestimate the danger posed by a spurned woman!

Now, go have a great Friday night out. Meet some er, nice women!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Colorado Springs

One has to wonder just what is in the mountain air these days. In January of this year Maria Darlene Gardner doused her five children with gasoline, and set them ablaze. The children aged from 16 months to 9 years old were all severely burned, with the youngest dying from the injuries her mother inflicted on her sleeping body. Now, she is claiming insanity in a court hearing before 4th judicial dist judge Timothy Simmons. While I think anyone would agree, she would have to be insane to do such a thing, why should "insane" (what a vague term these days!) be any defense against such a crime? After the she set the fire that claimed Ashia Joseph's life she purportedly inflicted wounds to her wrists, and ankles. Although not reported as such, it is inferred we are supposed to believe she attempted suicide. We are to believe the October 2007 suicide of Gardner's husband sent her into some tailspin of emotions that ended when, as 8 year old Dominic told 911 dispatchers... "She dumped some oil on the ground and started it on fire."

In court docs here, police reported finding a five year old boy had a "cut type" injury to his throat. Police reported that Gardener fled the scene as responders arrived. I would not think an "insane" person who had no grasp on right or wrong would have tried to avoid police. The El Paso county child welfare dept reported previous contact with Ms. Gardener, but refuse to say why they were involved. They cite data privacy, but one has to wonder if that is more CYA than concern for the privacy of any person involved. More here.

Frankly, I am a bit tired of reading about nut-jobs killing their husbands, and children, then citing "family problems" of one form or another. Where are all these social programs we seem to dump endless dollars into? Why can't a mother/wife that is having trouble dealing with an emotional problem seek help without the "help" coming in the form of police jackboots insisting the husband be arrested for whatever minor cause they can come up with? It's all about arresting people, generating more self-justification for bloated, overbearing, and ineffective police agencies. Previous domestic disputes between the "adults" of the house were settled in typical Colorado fashion, they arrested him, charged simeon with a load of crimes, and issued the typical restraining order. Did this help? Did anyone address the real problems? No, they cost the family more money, induced more of the stress that was tearing these people apart, and in all likelihood caused her to be afraid to have anything more to do with what passes for "help" these days. Maria may have poured the gasoline, and set the fire, but there is an equal blame on the system, and it's handmaidens for the burned remains found in that home.

A domestic situation can never be cured by the introduction of more laws, police, restraining orders, and the endless line of overbearing one size-fits-all mandates we are generating.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Another canidate for wife of the year

Robin Carole Gall, of Canon City, Colorado spent the day out bar-hopping, then came home, got in an argument with her husband, Brent, who didn't really appreciate her "hugging" other men in the bars. The dispute seems to have turned to the lack of anything done at home, turned violent, and ended with him getting a .45 bullet in the chest. The couples 3 daughters were home for the murder of their father. Some here, and Here . Their domestic history involved a DV call some 5 years ago.
Brent had been accused of assaulting prisoners in his job at Colorado's supermax prison, Maybe he wasn't the exact model of Mr. soft&fuzzy, but never the less, one has a hard time believing the act of not wanting your wife out "bar-whoring" is deserving of a bullet.
An affidavit filed in Fremont county court states that he kicked her, she returned the kick, scratched, and bit him, then grabbed a pistol and killed him. (here for orig source)

For such a "violent" man, Robin decided to name her husband as one of her "heroes" on her myspace profile. Hmmm... strange. She made statements like "can you believe I kept him for 19 years?" That doesn't sound like the statement of an abused woman... but you can bet that will be the defense to the murder.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Lame excuse of the week...

Ok, maybe this lady has been living in Tibet, with some monks, or her story just doesn't hold water. We have 52 year old Arkansas resident Regina McLellan, found guilty of attempted murder, and assault with a firearm (x2). After shooting her ex-husband in the shoulder, and face she manages to wing a couple of rounds at the neighbors across the street. Her excuse, ready for this... she was trying to commit suicide in front of him. Maybe we need an arrow on the barrel to tell her where the bullets come out? maybe she has never seen any portrayal of a firearm in use, or she is completely making it up. Incidentally, this picture of mental stability missed the verdict in her trial because, you guessed it... she tried to commit suicide again. The couple's divorce was finalized, and he had moved on to a new relationship, I guess she decided 75 fragments of bone, and bullet in the face was better than a "forget-me-not" bouquet from that flower place.

And after it was all done, there was no remorse, just more selfishness.

In earlier reports there was no indication that she was trying to commit suicide, but didn't know what end bullets came out of, but rather it started as a dispute that ended with him being shot. Also note: Sgt. Robert Sanchez of the Springdale Police Department told about talking to the defendant for an hour and a half while she held a gun to her head, crying and trembling, inside the duplex when she threatened to kill herself. I guess she DID know which end the bullets came out.

I am SO sick of the "I am so abused/depressed" excuses pouring out of women's faces when they try to, or do kill their husbands. Ask yourself, would those same excuses hold any water at all if it were a man in that court, saying the same thing, after he shot his ex-wife that had left him for another man?

just in case you thought this not-so-feminine behaviour was an American exclusive, this, from our cousins across the pond. Cpl Khagendra Pariya, serving at Sandhurst Academy had his throat slit by his wife, while his ten year old daughter looked on. Her excuse? Well, she "was having nightmares" (this one gives me the creeps, I have a good friend who was knife-assaulted by a girlfriend who claimed she was having nightmares he was going to leave her.) Much to their credit the UK authorities put her in the booby-hatch.

Just something to think about as you venture forth for that hot Friday Night Date!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yet another day in paradise?

After paying attention to the domestic violence perpetrated by women for more than a bit of time, I have found a few truths, one is the nature of, and favourite weapons used by these women. One weapon commonly used by the violent and vengeful woman is the lowly hit-man. The nature of murder-for-hire makes me wonder just how many never really become a matter of record, how many do get away with it.

Today's feature woman is Traci Morrison, of Sparks, Nevada. This candidate for girlfriend-of-the-year tried to hire a undercover cop, and her cousin's husband to assassinate her ex-boyfriend in an attempt to keep him from claiming custody of their 2 children. Not only did she try to hire a murder, but she did it offering drugs, sex, and a $1,000 car as payment.

I have a hard time believing any woman that would claim they were a victim of abuse, when they have the ability to contact someone to commit murder for them, meet with them, and setup a sex-as payment scheme. All too often the feminist crowd would tell us she was abused, repressed, and had no other choice, and that it was a case of murder him before he murders you. Obviously this woman was not locked in some closet by her ex-boyfriend. She just knew that once a custody battle began, she, a drug-using-prospective prostitute was completely unfit as a mother of 2 children. Lucky for Timothy Palos, the setup car-crash murder was to be handled by the police! Source here. What a fine example she is setting for their 2 daughters!

We also have Anette Cobb, of Ohio, who stabbed her husband to death yesterday. Neighbors report hearing arguments, but never anything physical between them. (more here too) Criminal psychologists tell us a knife is a "strike weapon" chosen out of rage, and hatred in frontal attacks. Again, how "abused" could she have been to overpower, and knife murder her husband?

Last, but not least for the day is Patricia McCalahan, of Mena, Arkansas. She is accused of a 2003 murder, and disposal of her husband. Naturally, as most of these women do, she is claiming a "battered woman syndrome", yet she had the forethought to cut the man up into little pieces with a fillet knife, and dump pieces of him all over the countryside. Here 4 year later parts of his body were discovered. If she was so abused, why hide the body? why would she wait until the police caught her then come up with some hookey story, long after any evidence supporting her claims would be hard to find? Simple... she is lying! She is making up a defense, likely at the direction of a lawyer, to get away with murder. With all the assets dedicated to abused women, and all the legal options, DV centers, and protections open to them I don't buy the abused woman defense at all.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another episode of "the gentle sex" in action.

We have long seen images of men fighting over some bar-stool floozie. I mean, just pick the year, and I can name a movie with some guy bashing the crap out of another guy that just happened to look sideways at his date. Lets go to Scott County, Indiana and have a hit-and-run look at Amanda Vernon, age 23 (old enough to know better) and Jessica Groenenboom, both were dating the same guy. They worked at the same employer, and knew about each other for more than a year. This weekend the bloodletting began when, it would appear, Amanda drove to a party attended by Jessica, knocked on the door, went straight to Jessica, and began stabbing her.

One has to wonder just how good they both thought "mr. right" to want to put up with each other... much less go on a psycho-mad-hacker spree over it all. Ya, I know, not exactly meeting the hard definition of a domestic violence case, but maybe it should be considered in the same category. After all, what is more dangerous than a stalker willing to knife-murder someone in front of a room full of people? We have boatloads of laws to protect women from men, very few the other way, and even less to protect anyone from a mad-stalker-woman. Why? Her knife seemed every bit as sharp as any man's.

Original news source here

While we have the knife-proof vest on, lets look at Patricia Rose Chepela, and Warren Hill, of Keizer, Oregon. Patricia, a 46 year old live-in girlfriend of 55 year old Warren decided the easiest end to an argument was to ventilate her boyfriend with a sharp object. The man flees their dwelling, and someone calls 911 for him. We will never know what got into his head, but he decides to protect the woman from arrest by lying about the cause of his injuries. He tells the police that he was stabbed by a robber! (What gets into men's heads, and makes them try to protect their attempted assassins from arrest?) She was later charged with second degree aggravated assault, and harassment, no mention of any domestic violence charges. Had the stabber been Warren, and she the stabee i dare say I would bet we would read an attempted murder.

Original News and here

Monday, May 26, 2008

What seemed so easy in the concept stages is proving a bit harder to get a handle on! I guess I will just jump in, and see where it all goes.

We have long known that cruelty to a spouse's pets is a definite sign of domestic abuse. With that fact in mind lets look at the case of Sara Tinsley, of West Dundee, Illinois.

"Sara Tinsley, 38, of West Dundee, entered a guilty plea in Kane County Circuit Court Wednesday to a charge of aggravated cruelty to animals, the Chicago Tribune reported Thursday.
Tinsley was taken into custody April 2 after officers were made aware of a domestic dispute at her home.
The lizard-hacking wife admitted to assaulting the reptiles with a steak knife in an effort to upset her husband, Harry Tinsley, 38, after he allegedly beat her the previous day, a police report said.
Prosecutors said the couple was going through a divorce when the lizard assault took place and the husband was charged with domestic battery"

Original source here

Why was the husband charged with a DV charge based solely on her claim of previous battery, but she not charged with any form of domestic abuse? She admitted that the lizards were assaulted in an attempt to upset the husband. Why, if her claims of abuse were true, did the husband not retaliate for her killing his pets that day? It only stands to reason, if he truly had been violent the previous day (for some unspecified reason) he most surely would have reacted violently to the killing of his pets!

She later claimed that lizards were not "real" pets and therefor could not be companion animals.

Keeping in mind she threw the lizards against the wall, then stabbed them during a PHONE ARGUMENT with him, he was not even present at the time!
More here

We have to wonder just who the perpetrator is, where the violence begins, and even more, why our feminist-biased system feels he should be charged with DV while she is not! (yet we are awash in images of fargile, delicate women, only being the poor victims of DV. Time for a reality check!)