Friday, May 30, 2008

Lame excuse of the week...

Ok, maybe this lady has been living in Tibet, with some monks, or her story just doesn't hold water. We have 52 year old Arkansas resident Regina McLellan, found guilty of attempted murder, and assault with a firearm (x2). After shooting her ex-husband in the shoulder, and face she manages to wing a couple of rounds at the neighbors across the street. Her excuse, ready for this... she was trying to commit suicide in front of him. Maybe we need an arrow on the barrel to tell her where the bullets come out? maybe she has never seen any portrayal of a firearm in use, or she is completely making it up. Incidentally, this picture of mental stability missed the verdict in her trial because, you guessed it... she tried to commit suicide again. The couple's divorce was finalized, and he had moved on to a new relationship, I guess she decided 75 fragments of bone, and bullet in the face was better than a "forget-me-not" bouquet from that flower place.

And after it was all done, there was no remorse, just more selfishness.

In earlier reports there was no indication that she was trying to commit suicide, but didn't know what end bullets came out of, but rather it started as a dispute that ended with him being shot. Also note: Sgt. Robert Sanchez of the Springdale Police Department told about talking to the defendant for an hour and a half while she held a gun to her head, crying and trembling, inside the duplex when she threatened to kill herself. I guess she DID know which end the bullets came out.

I am SO sick of the "I am so abused/depressed" excuses pouring out of women's faces when they try to, or do kill their husbands. Ask yourself, would those same excuses hold any water at all if it were a man in that court, saying the same thing, after he shot his ex-wife that had left him for another man?

just in case you thought this not-so-feminine behaviour was an American exclusive, this, from our cousins across the pond. Cpl Khagendra Pariya, serving at Sandhurst Academy had his throat slit by his wife, while his ten year old daughter looked on. Her excuse? Well, she "was having nightmares" (this one gives me the creeps, I have a good friend who was knife-assaulted by a girlfriend who claimed she was having nightmares he was going to leave her.) Much to their credit the UK authorities put her in the booby-hatch.

Just something to think about as you venture forth for that hot Friday Night Date!

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