Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yet another day in paradise?

After paying attention to the domestic violence perpetrated by women for more than a bit of time, I have found a few truths, one is the nature of, and favourite weapons used by these women. One weapon commonly used by the violent and vengeful woman is the lowly hit-man. The nature of murder-for-hire makes me wonder just how many never really become a matter of record, how many do get away with it.

Today's feature woman is Traci Morrison, of Sparks, Nevada. This candidate for girlfriend-of-the-year tried to hire a undercover cop, and her cousin's husband to assassinate her ex-boyfriend in an attempt to keep him from claiming custody of their 2 children. Not only did she try to hire a murder, but she did it offering drugs, sex, and a $1,000 car as payment.

I have a hard time believing any woman that would claim they were a victim of abuse, when they have the ability to contact someone to commit murder for them, meet with them, and setup a sex-as payment scheme. All too often the feminist crowd would tell us she was abused, repressed, and had no other choice, and that it was a case of murder him before he murders you. Obviously this woman was not locked in some closet by her ex-boyfriend. She just knew that once a custody battle began, she, a drug-using-prospective prostitute was completely unfit as a mother of 2 children. Lucky for Timothy Palos, the setup car-crash murder was to be handled by the police! Source here. What a fine example she is setting for their 2 daughters!

We also have Anette Cobb, of Ohio, who stabbed her husband to death yesterday. Neighbors report hearing arguments, but never anything physical between them. (more here too) Criminal psychologists tell us a knife is a "strike weapon" chosen out of rage, and hatred in frontal attacks. Again, how "abused" could she have been to overpower, and knife murder her husband?

Last, but not least for the day is Patricia McCalahan, of Mena, Arkansas. She is accused of a 2003 murder, and disposal of her husband. Naturally, as most of these women do, she is claiming a "battered woman syndrome", yet she had the forethought to cut the man up into little pieces with a fillet knife, and dump pieces of him all over the countryside. Here 4 year later parts of his body were discovered. If she was so abused, why hide the body? why would she wait until the police caught her then come up with some hookey story, long after any evidence supporting her claims would be hard to find? Simple... she is lying! She is making up a defense, likely at the direction of a lawyer, to get away with murder. With all the assets dedicated to abused women, and all the legal options, DV centers, and protections open to them I don't buy the abused woman defense at all.

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