Monday, May 5, 2008

And so it begins...

I know, what a lame way to begin, but to be honest I really can't think of a better opening. I found myself inspired by the all-to-frequent, and completely absurd cases of insanity that seem to have infected families, or rather just people in general, worldwide. We are swamped in a myriad of newscasts about perversion, murder, and general deprivation across the globe. In almost all cases it seemed to be the male that was at the heart of these cases of stupidity. I thought there HAD to be another side to this... maybe what was happening was that our news media had become completely entrenched in depravity. Maybe our news was so severely feminista-biased that it had turned completely away from reporting the truth of what was happening in our homes, and to our families. This is my attempt to take a look, however cursory and brief, at some of the violence, and depravity coming from the female half of what passes for a family unit these days. To occasionally ask ourselves just why we don't ever hear about this under-reported danger in society. I am not justifying any behavior of either side, not trying to lessen the impact of less-than-acceptable behavior on the part of men, but to show that we are dealing with a very real, very dangerous fact that women are also capable of abuse, violence, murder, and general depravity. I am not woman-bashing, just highlighting facts, and looking at the reality of modern life.

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