Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another episode of "the gentle sex" in action.

We have long seen images of men fighting over some bar-stool floozie. I mean, just pick the year, and I can name a movie with some guy bashing the crap out of another guy that just happened to look sideways at his date. Lets go to Scott County, Indiana and have a hit-and-run look at Amanda Vernon, age 23 (old enough to know better) and Jessica Groenenboom, both were dating the same guy. They worked at the same employer, and knew about each other for more than a year. This weekend the bloodletting began when, it would appear, Amanda drove to a party attended by Jessica, knocked on the door, went straight to Jessica, and began stabbing her.

One has to wonder just how good they both thought "mr. right" to want to put up with each other... much less go on a psycho-mad-hacker spree over it all. Ya, I know, not exactly meeting the hard definition of a domestic violence case, but maybe it should be considered in the same category. After all, what is more dangerous than a stalker willing to knife-murder someone in front of a room full of people? We have boatloads of laws to protect women from men, very few the other way, and even less to protect anyone from a mad-stalker-woman. Why? Her knife seemed every bit as sharp as any man's.

Original news source here

While we have the knife-proof vest on, lets look at Patricia Rose Chepela, and Warren Hill, of Keizer, Oregon. Patricia, a 46 year old live-in girlfriend of 55 year old Warren decided the easiest end to an argument was to ventilate her boyfriend with a sharp object. The man flees their dwelling, and someone calls 911 for him. We will never know what got into his head, but he decides to protect the woman from arrest by lying about the cause of his injuries. He tells the police that he was stabbed by a robber! (What gets into men's heads, and makes them try to protect their attempted assassins from arrest?) She was later charged with second degree aggravated assault, and harassment, no mention of any domestic violence charges. Had the stabber been Warren, and she the stabee i dare say I would bet we would read an attempted murder.

Original News and here

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